- How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac Windows 10
- How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac Pro
To spell check a single LaTeX (.tex) file you issue the following command: aspell -lang = en -mode = tex check file.tex Once you've started aspell it shows you a text-based interface. There you can browse any found spelling errors and fix them in-place. While opening a spreadsheet if you press ‘F7', then it will start the spell checking process. Spell-check Multiple Sheets at Once: While using the spell-check option you will realize that it can only check spellings on the active sheet. But by following the below method you will be able to check spellings on multiple sheets at once.
A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code.
The goal of this spell checker is to help catch common spelling errors while keeping the number of false positives low.
Support Further Development
Load a TypeScript, JavaScript, Text, etc. file. Words not in the dictionary files will havea squiggly underline.
To see the list of suggestions:
After positioning the cursor in the word, any of the following should display the list of suggestions:
- Click on the 💡 (lightbulb) in the left hand margin.
Quick Fix
Editor action command:- Mac:
- PC:
- Mac:
Open up VS Code and hit F1
and type ext
select install and type code-spell-checker
hit enter and reload window to enable.
Supported Languages
- English (US)
- English (GB) - turn on by changing
'cSpell.language': 'en'
to'cSpell.language': 'en-GB'
Add-On Language Dictionaries
Add-On Specialized Dictionaries
Enabled File Types
- AsciiDoc
- C, C++
- C#
- css, less, scss
- Elixir
- Go
- Html
- Java
- JavaScript
- LaTex
- Markdown
- PowerShell
- Pug / Jade
- Python
- reStructuredText
- Rust
- Scala
- Text
- TypeScript
Enable / Disable File Types
To Enable or Disable spell checking for a file type:
Click on the Spell Checker status in the status bar:
On the Info screen, click the Enable link.
How it works with camelCase
The concept is simple, split camelCase words before checking them against a list of known English words.
- camelCase -> camel case
- HTMLInput -> html input -- Notice that the
is associated withInput
and notHTML
- snake_case_words -> snake case words
- camel2snake -> camel snake -- (the 2 is ignored)
Special case will ALL CAPS words
There are a few special cases to help will common spelling practices for ALL CAPS words.
Trailing s
, ing
, ies
, es
, ed
are kept with the previous word.
- CURLs -> curls -- trailing
- CURLedRequest -> curled request -- trailing
Things to note
- This spellchecker is case insensitive. It will not catch errors like english which should be English.
- The spellchecker uses a local word dictionary. It does not send anything outside your machine.
- The words in the dictionary can and do contain errors.
- There are missing words.
- Only words longer than 3 characters are checked. 'jsj' is ok, while 'jsja' is not.
- All symbols and punctuation are ignored.
In Document Settings
It is possible to add spell check settings into your source code.This is to help with file specific issues that may not be applicable to the entire project.
All settings are prefixed with cSpell:
or spell-checker:
-- turn off the spell checker for a section of code.enable
-- turn the spell checker back on after it has been turned off.ignore
-- specify a list of words to be ignored.words
-- specify a list of words to be considered correct and will appear in the suggestions list.ignoreRegExp
-- Any text matching the regular expression will NOT be checked for spelling.includeRegExp
-- Only text matching the collection of includeRegExp will be checked.enableCompoundWords
-- Allow / disallow words like: 'stringlength'.
Enable / Disable checking sections of code
It is possible to disable / enable the spell checker by adding comments to your code.
How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac Windows 10
Disable Checking
/* cSpell:disable */
/* spell-checker: disable */
/* spellchecker: disable */
/* cspell: disable-line */
/* cspell: disable-next-line */
Enable Checking
/* cSpell:enable */
/* spell-checker: enable */
/* spellchecker: enable */
Ignore allows you the specify a list of words you want to ignore within the document.
Note: words defined with ignore
will be ignored for the entire file.
The words list allows you to add words that will be considered correct and will be used as suggestions.
Note: words defined with words
will be used for the entire file.
Enable / Disable compound words
In some programing language it is common to glue words together.
Note: Compound word checking cannot be turned on / off in the same file.The last setting in the file determines the value for the entire file.
How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac Pro
Excluding and Including Text to be checked.
By default, the entire document is checked for spelling.cSpell:disable
above allows you to block off sections of the document.ignoreRegExp
and includeRegExp
give you the ability to ignore or include patterns of text.By default the flags gim
are added if no flags are given.
The spell checker works in the following way:
- Find all text matching
- Remove any text matching
- Check the remaining text.
Exclude Example
Note: ignoreRegExp and includeRegExp are applied to the entire file. They do not start and stop.
Include Example
In general you should not need to use includeRegExp
. But if you are mixing languages then it could come in helpful.
Predefined RegExp expressions
Exclude patterns
1 -- Matches urlsHexDigits
-- Matches hex digits:/^x?[0-1a-f]+$/i
-- Matches common hex format like #aaa, 0xfeef, u0134EscapeCharacters
1 -- matches special characters: 'n', 't' etc.Base64
1 -- matches base64 blocks of text longer than 40 characters.Email
-- matches most email addresses.
Include Patterns
1 -- By default we match an entire document and remove the excludes.string
-- This matches common string formats like '...', '...', and `...`CStyleComment
-- These are C Style comments /* */ and //PhpHereDoc
-- This matches PHPHereDoc strings.
1. These patterns are part of the default include/exclude list for every file.
The spell checker configuration can be controlled via VS Code preferences or cspell.json
configuration file.
Order of precedence:
- Workspace Folder
- Workspace Folder
- VS Code Preferences
Adding words to the Workspace Dictionary
You have the option to add you own words to the workspace dictionary. The easiest, is to put your cursoron the word you wish to add, when you lightbulb shows up, hit Ctrl+.
(windows) / Cmd+.
(Mac). You will get a listof suggestions and the option to add the word.
You can also type in a word you want to add to the dictionary: F1
add word
-- select Add Word to Dictionary
and type in the word you wish to add.
Words added to the dictionary are placed in the cspell.json
file in the workspace folder.Note, the settings in cspell.json
will override the equivalent cSpell settings in VS Code's settings.json
Example cspell.json file
VS Code Configuration Settings
The spell checker includes a set of default dictionaries.
General Dictionaries
- wordsEn - Derived from Hunspell US English words.
- wordsEnGb - Derived from Hunspell GB English words.
- companies - List of well known companies
- softwareTerms - Software Terms and concepts like 'coroutine', 'debounce', 'tree', etc.
- misc - Terms that do not belong in the other dictionaries.
Programming Language Dictionaries
- typescript - keywords for Typescript and Javascript
- node - terms related to using nodejs.
- php - php keywords and library methods
- go - go keywords and library methods
- python - python keywords
- powershell - powershell keywords
- html - html related keywords
- css - css, less, and scss related keywords
Miscellaneous Dictionaries
- fonts - long list of fonts - to assist with css
Based upon the programming language, different dictionaries will be loaded.
Here are the default rules: '*' matches any language.'local'
is used to filter based upon the 'cSpell.language'
How to add your own Dictionaries
Global Dictionary
To add a global dictionary, you will need change your user settings.
Define the DictionaryIn your user settings, you will need to tell the spell checker where to find your word list.
Example adding medical terms, so words like acanthopterygious can be found.
Explained: In this example, we have told the spell checker where to find the word list file.Since it is in the user settings, we have to use absolute paths.
Once the dictionary is defined. We need to tell the spell checker when to use it.Adding it to cSpell.dictionaries
advises the spell checker to always include the medical terms when spell checking.
Note: Adding large dictionary files to be always used will slow down the generation of suggestions.
Project / Workspace Dictionary
To add a dictionary at the project level, it needs to be in the cspell.json
file.This file can be either at the project root or in the .vscode directory.
Example adding medical terms, where the terms are checked into the project and we only want to use it for .md files.
Explained: In this example, two dictionaries were defined: cities and medicalTerms.The paths are relative to the location of the cSpell.json file. This allows for dictionaries to be checked into the project.
The cities dictionary is used for every file type, because it was added to the list to dictionaries.The medicalTerms dictionary is only used when editing markdown or plaintext files.
See: FAQ